
P2 Deviled Eggs

Dr. Simeons includes eggs as an option for vegetarians on Phase 2, and even though I'm not a vegetarian, I enjoy eggs as one of my protein options several times a week. These deviled eggs make a great lunch with a salad.

Deviled Eggs

Slice 4 hardboiled eggs in half and remove the yolks. Discard 3 yolks. Mix 1 yolk with a small squirt of prepared mustard, pinch of salt and pepper, and a small splash of milk. Divide between 8 egg white halves and serve.

Rogue Alternatives: You can substitute Ranch Dressing for the milk, if you like. Sometimes I use two yolks instead of one, if I feel the need for extra protein.


  1. These were such a good break from the regular hcg protocol. Eight halves was too much for me at one sitting, so it was nice to have for breakfast or throughout the day.

  2. Do you eat all 8 halves at one time? Sounds like a lot! But I'm going to try it as I love deviled eggs.

  3. You can! Or you can spread it out a little bit. It is a lot :) It's one protein serving for the day and it really fills you up. Love it!

  4. Do you know the calorie count for the full 8 halved portion?

  5. I haven't counted it up for myself, but I usually use MyPlate from to put in my specific ingredients and get an accurate count.

  6. I'm sorry I'm just trying to clarify. Are the 8 halves your protein for the entire day or is it 1 out of 2 protein servings that we get a day?

  7. It's one protein portion for the day, so you would still be able to have another protein portion in the same day. It's a lot of food so I can see why you weren't sure! One protein allowance for eggs is 1 whole egg plus 3 egg whites, so that is why you discard 3 yolks. Enjoy!

  8. Try adding a small splash of apple cider vinegar to them. It's the secret ingredient in my normal deviled eggs.

  9. OMg these are SO good! Instead of goin rouge with regular ranch use Walden Farms ranch with a little Pampered Chef dill seasoning ... They are da bomb baby!
    If you need some PC dill season please visit my website at :)

  10. That seems like a lot of egg for one serving of protein because of the yolks. I love deviled eggs, but that seems like a little much.

  11. That seems like a lot of egg for one serving of protein because of the yolks. I love deviled eggs, but that seems like a little much.

  12. How about using jalapeno mustard? ...that's my secret ingredient for my regular deviled eggs I make for family and friends. Plus I use a sprinkle of chili powder on top of each egg. They are yumidy!! ;)

  13. I use mustard and Braggs Apple cider vinegar to make the stuffing.
